President Biden Issues Executive Order on Border Security

Immigrants who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border could be denied asylum.

President Joe Biden issued an executive order on Tuesday that will restrict some access to illegal immigrants crossing into the United States at the southern border. The deterrent measures allow for the denial of asylum, and quick deportation or return to Mexico of certain migrants caught unlawfully crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. A White House official said the restrictions of the order go into effect when more than 2,500 arrests have been made and are lifted when encounters drop to 1,500.

The president stated that his order suspends “entry of noncitizens across the southern border during this time of high border crossings. Appropriate exceptions are provided, such as for those who are particularly vulnerable or present pursuant to a process the Secretary of Homeland Security determines is appropriate to allow for safe and orderly processing into the United States.“

President Biden continued, “That process will continue to allow for individuals to seek entry to this country each day in a safe and orderly manner, and following their arrival, to seek protection through the appropriate process.“

The restrictions go into effect immediately since the threshold has currently been met. Exceptions to the shutdown include unaccompanied children, people who face serious medical or safety threats, and victims of trafficking.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For the president and U.S. national security officials as they enact certain restrictions on unlawful immigration.
  • For the DHS and U.S. border officials as they continue to arrest illegal border crossers.

Sources: The White House, NBC News, Reuters


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